bitch, please

Wow, some of you are just unbelievable...

You disagree totally with my last post ? Stop reading me. I probably won't regret the bitchiness.

You agree with those who stole pictures and post them without credit, because, well, it's our fault, stupid photographers, if we are so unbelievably stupid to post our picture on internet ?

Dammit, you're the very reason museums should not put their collections online, because of the carelessness. Unworthy people deserve to be treated as they treat others. You're a plague. And thanks to people like you, not only have I privatised my pictures of museums costumes on Flickr, but I will also cease to share my precious little pictures. Bingo !

When I thought I used to be so open-minded about all the credit/sourcing thing. Was I naïve... such dirtiness on the internet...


  1. Un peu confusée ... tu receves les emails acerbes?

  2. No, somebody wrote a blog post directed at me, without aknowledging it, that was basically saying : "you posted pictures on internet and someone used them without crediting ? Your fault : you shouldn't have posted pictures.". Bitch.

  3. I see. Wow, that's certainly the other end of the spectrum.

  4. J'ai surtout lu des excuses en bonne et due tant mieux même si c'est surtout vis à vis du musée que je trouvais ça dommage car avoir une pièce si exceptionnelle (par sa rareté) et la voir se promener sans référence ça agace.

  5. c'est à une autre personne, et à ceux qui sont de son avis (oui, il y en a), que je m'adresse.

  6. Perso, ce qui m'attriste c'est que je ne verrais plus ton travail et tes "décortiquages" des musées et compagnies !

  7. Bizarrement, y'a des gens qui pensent que qu'on met une photo sur internet c'est qu'on est d'accord implicitement pour que n'importe qui l'utilise n'importe comment...

    C'est impressionnant tant de naiveté...

    Bref, je te soutiens.

  8. Totally get where you are coming from! Cheers


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